As a singer ,songwriter , producer, and the writer of the classic song "Some Kind Of Wonderful", my other passion is creating delicious foods!
Whether I'm creating music, or in the kitchen creating a delicious mouthwatering meal, the level of excitement is the same!
Because of all the wonderful and positive comments I have received from friends that I have had the pleasure of dining with in my home is what prompted me to launch my company "Some Kind of Wonderful Foods"!
Once you bite into my mouth watering Some Kind of Wonderful chicken you will have to agree that it is worthy of the name!
Not only are you eating a delicious chicken, your chicken is seasoned with natural herbs, it's low in sodium, gluten-free, no MSG, and no sugar!
Our goal is to make sure that you and your family enjoy a delicious mouthwatering healthy meal each time you sit down to a Some Kind Of Wonderful Dinner!
You may even start singing Some Kind Of Wonderful!!!
John Ellison
Writer Of Some Kind Of Wonderful
Here the link to my Wonderful Seasoning Website:
- http://wonderfulseasoning.com/.
Stores where you can buy my spice:
- https://bellsfoodstores.com/
- https://www.pigglywigglystores.com/.
And, last but not least, here below a letter from the president of the Piggly Wiggly Stores on my spice:
"Ms. Hardegree,
I am writing this letter in regards to a product called "Some Kind Of Wonderful" all purpose seasoning. We've been carrying this item in a 4.5 oz bottle for sometime now and have done very well with it. More recently, we started to season our whole rotisserie chickens that we sell from our deli with this very same product. The results were astounding. In just a few short months we have gone from selling 10 - 12 rotisserie chickens a day to 35 - 40 and we expect those numbers to continue to grow. We made no other changes to our process. The location is the same, the way we cook them is the same, and the price is the same. Though we started off somewhat skeptical we are now true believers in this product. It really is an amazing product. And the customers obviously love it.
The reason I write this letter is to request you pick up this product in a 25lb bag. We are currently using the 4.5oz bottle which as you can imagine makes this venture much less efficient and profitable. John Ellison, the owner and creator of this product has been very hands on promoting this product. He comes to the store and instructs deli personnel on how to season the chicken, stays and demos it to the customers, and talks it up the whole time. Once the customer tries it, they're hooked.
I've seen many products come and go over the years and I can say with quite certainty that this product, "Some Kind Of Wonderful", is here to stay. Other grocery stores are not YET
using it. But I am sure its just a matter of time. Let's get out in front of them. Please pick up the 25lb bags of "Some Kind Of Wonderful" all purpose seasoning. It's a win win for the both of us. Thank you for your consideration.
Jeffrey D Joseph
Bigley Piggly Wiggly".